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Project Highlights


For this project I wanted to practice back-end and front-end programming, so I created a program that generates a sudoku board with unique answers and allows the user to input the correct answers. 


To create the puzzle, the program first randomly generate a completed sudoku puzzle, then randomly deleted numbers until it reaches the desired difficulty. Then, it uses a backtracking algorithm to solve the puzzle. If it is unable to solve the puzzle with the backtracking algorithm, it means that the answers are not unique. In this case, it will discard the current puzzle, generate a new one, and check for uniqueness.


The user interface is generated by using pygame. It allows the user to select a space and enter numbers. If the user press the enter button, the program will complete the puzzle automatically.


Source Code

A* Search

With this project, I wanted to make a program focusing on AI pathfinding algorithms, specifically the A* Search algorithm. This programs allows users to enter two coordinates, show the algorithm route, and create obstacles. It will then find the fastest route from point A to point B. 


I accomplished this by first having the user enter two coordinates between 0 and 49. After that, a pygame window will be created with a 50 x 50 grid. The user selected spaces will be pink, while the rest are black. Then the user can create obstructions for the path and create white spaces. Each black square is added to the list of spaces that will be checked by the algorithm when determining the optimal path.


The user can also choose to see the pathfinding process. If chosen, the program with display green spaces (coordinates that have yet to be checked)  and red (coordinates that have been thrown away. Finally, the program will connect the start and end spaces with a pink line and display the time in seconds at the bottom.


Source Code




React Weather App
JavaScript, CSS

Currently in Progress


React Movie App

Swing RPG Battle Game â€‹

Tkinter Contact Book​


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